Watson Johnson Landfill Remedial Cap Construction, Quakertown, PA

Project Description: Constructed an engineered landfill cap for an inactive, unlined 20-acre landfill on private property that accepted household and industrial wastes for 20 years. This site was added to the US EPA Superfund National Priorities List in 2001.

  • Project management and planning including preparing construction work plans, quality control plans, accident prevention/health & safety plans (in accordance with EM 385-1-1), and erosion control plans
  • Mobilization and site preparation (on-site trailer, dig permits, erosion control measures)
  • Clearing and grubbing; cleared 23 acres of heavily forested land
  • Construction and maintenance of over 4,000 LF of a permanent access road
  • Excavation and relocation of over 30,000 CY of solid waste and soils
  • Import and placement of over 130,000 CY of cover soil
  • Installation of 21 acres of multi-layer geosynthetic cap
  • Import and placement of over 25,000 CY of topsoil
  • Final grading and seeding
Project Value: $10.8 million

Contracting Agency: USACE Philadelphia District

Location: Quakertown, Pennsylvania