National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Site Operations Support Services (SOSS), Environmental Restoration Program Support Services
Project Description: Provide environmental restoration services (long-term groundwater monitoring at the Albany, OR site and off-site groundwater remediation at the Rock Springs, WY site) contained in the NETL SOSS contract.
- Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring, Albany, OR (ALB) Site
- Prepare Sampling Event Work Plan documenting the sampling and analytical procedures
- Sample and analyze groundwater from 31 wells twice per year
- Contaminants of potential concern include chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethene, tetrachloroethene
- Prepare Groundwater Monitoring Report presenting a hydrogeological assessment, groundwater quality assessment, data validation results, groundwater fate and transport, updated conceptual site model, contaminant concentrations compared to applicable screening criteria, graphs showing contaminant concentrations over time, water level measurements, hydraulic gradient calculations
- Off-site Remediation Support Services, Rock Springs Oil Shale Retort Site
- Services involve active groundwater remediation at five Rock Springs, WY sites
- Combination of groundwater pumping and air-sparging remediation activities; benzene is the contaminant of concern
- Work is performed in accordance with the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality (WYDEQ) requirements
- Includes performance and long-term monitoring of associated well fields
- Air sparging O&M includes sampling and analysis of vent gases to confirm compliance with the air permit
- Prepare quarterly report documenting the O&M and performance monitoring
Project Value: $162.5 million (total SOSS contract value); 5-year Period of Performance
Contracting Agency: Department of Energy (DOE)
Location: Albany, Oregon (ALB); Rock Springs, Wyoming, DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) sites

Site 4 – Remediation well field, Rock Springs Remediation Site