New Combat Arms Training Maintenance Facility, Environmental Assessment, McConnell AFB, KS
Project Description: Performed an environmental assessment (EA) for the construction (MILCON) of a new combat arms training facility; included the relocation from and demolition of three aging facilities. Fast-tracked the EA to meet MILCON design/construction timelines.
- Developing the Description of Proposed Action and Alternatives (DOPAA); resulted in three alternatives for further analysis
- Conducting intergovernmental and interagency coordination for environmental planning support (IICEP) and preparing consultation requests for agencies and regional/local stakeholders
- Section 106 (NHPA) compliance, including informal consultation request to the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and potentially affected federally recognized tribes
- Developing and publishing public notices of availability (NOA)
- Preparing Preliminary Draft and Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) for USACE and Army review and comment
- Included description of current conditions, description of anticipated environmental consequences posed by the proposed action/alternatives, mitigation measures, and documentation of stakeholder and SHPO consultation
- Evaluated land use, air quality, water resources, safety and occupational health conditions during construction and operation, hazardous materials/waste, biological resources, cultural resources, geology and soils, socioeconomic/environmental justice, noise, and transportation
- Preparing a No Significant Impact (FONSI) in accordance with 32 CFR 651.24
- Preparing public NOA, communicating the availability of the EA and FONSI for public review
- Producing the Final EA and FONSI
Project Value: $89,000
Contracting Agency: USACE-Tulsa District
Location: McConnell AFB, KS