National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Site Operations Support Services (SOSS), Environmental Program Support Services
Project Description: Multi-facility environmental program support services contained in the NETL SOSS contract, including:
- Air Quality (Clean Air Act)
- Obtaining and maintaining permits with the States of Oregon, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania
- Point stationary source emissions monitoring and documenting air surveillance, air monitoring results, air emission projections
- Conducting dispersion modeling for emergency response planning activities
- Tracking and maintaining inventories of ozone-depleting substances
- Water Quality (Clean Water Act)
- Obtaining and maintaining permits with the States of Oregon, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania
- Updating the spill prevention, control, and countermeasure (SPCC) and preparedness, prevention, and contingency (PPC) plans
- Performing surface water and sediment monitoring; maintain and calibrate remote monitoring systems
- Performing groundwater monitoring and monitoring well maintenance; update aquifer and site geology information, document
- Performing groundwater monitoring and monitoring well maintenance; update aquifer and site geology information, document
- variations in geology and groundwater variations; download data into a Geographical Information System (GIS)
- Stormwater monitoring and preparing monthly discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) in compliance with NPDES permits
- Industrial wastewater monitoring by sampling and analyzing industrial wastewater as required by the NPDES pretreatment regulations
- Waste minimization and pollution prevention (P2)
- Chemical Inventory Management Program
- Maintaining the site’s chemical inventory and safety data sheets Providing SARA Title III reporting support for all facilities (data compilation, consultation, and report/memo preparation)
- Environmental data analysis – GIS management, analysis, and modeling services for on-site and off-site environmental programs
- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) – Assist with preparing EAs, EISs, RODs, and FONSIs
Project Value: $162.5 million (total SOSS contract value); 5-year Period of Performance
Contracting Agency: Department of Energy (DOE)
Location: Albany, OR (ALB); Morgantown, WV (MGN); and Pittsburgh, PA (PGH), DOE, National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) sites