Midwest BRAC Environmental Construction Optimization Services (BECOS)
Project Description: Multi-installation, multi-site performance-based remedial action project encompassing the full range of environmental restoration services. Work is performed at ten former Air Force installations in the Midwest (IL, WI, MI, OH, MO) closed under the Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC) involving 85+ installation restoration program sites. Project sites include landfills, fire training areas, spill sites, jet engine test cells, explosive ordnance disposal range, USTs, storage areas.
- Project management tasks associated with performance-based contracting actions including developing and maintaining project management plans, preparing installation-specific and contract-wide integrated master schedules, and preparing and managing milestone payment schedules
- Performing a wide range of environmental restoration activities, including:
- Producing planning documents (installation-wide UFP-QAPPs, APP/HASP, QMPs, task-specific work plans)
- Expanded investigations, feasibility studies, decision documents, closure plans
- Long-term groundwater monitoring; natural attenuation studies
- PFOS/PFOA investigations and remedy selection
- Remedial action operations (RAO) including landfill inspections, leachate collection, and cover maintenance; groundwater pump and treat systems (air strippers, GAC, ion exchange, whole-home resin treatment), O&M and performance monitoring; biosparging; HRC injections
- Land use controls and five-year reviews
- Response complete and site closure
Project Value: $22 million; 10-year Period of Performance
Contracting Agency: 772 Enterprise Sourcing Squadron
Location: Work is performed at ten former Air Force installations, including Chanute, Illinois; General Mitchell IAP, Wisconsin; Gentile, Ohio; Grissom, Illinois; KI Sawyer, Michigan; Newark, Ohio, O-Hare, Illinois; Richards-Gebaur, Missouri; Rickenbacker, Ohio, Wurtsmith, Michigan