Former Atlas Missile Sites Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS), Oklahoma and Texas

Project Description: Performed remedial investigation/feasibility study (RI/FS) at two former Atlas missile sites in Oklahoma and Texas. Each site, located in complex geological settings, encompassed approximately 8-acres and included an Atlas F underground missile silo, launch control center, and supporting infrastructure.

  • Prepared UFP-QAPP, work plans, and site-specific HASP for each site USACE, ODEQ, and TCEQ approval
  • Employed direct push technology with interface probe, electric conductivity, and hydraulic profiling tools (MIP/EC/HPT) to identify horizontal extent of TCE in groundwater
  • Installed shallow monitoring wells to confirm the MIP/EC/HPT investigation results
  • Performed natural gamma and electromagnetic downhole geophysical logging of all monitoring wells to correlate the site’s stratigraphy
  • Installed pressure transducers to continuously log groundwater elevation over a 5-month period to confirm hydraulic interconnection and contaminant migration pathway
  • Employed permeable diffusion bag (PDB) sample methods for CVOCs and low-flow sample methods for monitored natural attenuation (MNA) parameters and bacteriological analyses
  • Successfully delineated the extent of TCE groundwater contamination, identified and confirmed contaminant migration pathways and contaminant fate and transport mechanisms, and documented complex radial groundwater flow patterns from the missile silo excavation area TCE source into the surrounding weathered Hennessey shale bedrock
  • Developed remedial alternatives including No Action; In Situ Chemical Oxidation with Hydraulic Fracturing; In Situ Chemical Oxidation with In Situ Soil Mixing; and In Situ Thermal Treatment // Land Use Controls (LUCs) and Monitored Natural Attenuation (MNA)
  • Produced the RI/FS report for USACE and regulatory agency approval
Project Value: $1.3 million

Contracting Agency: USACE Tulsa District

Location: Manitou, Oklahoma (Atlas Missile Site No. 5) and Vernon, Texas (Atlas Missile Site No. 7)